Popular Press Releases

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    Asentia College introduces animal courses, diploma, workshop for animal healing

    "Being a leading animal healing centre, UK, Asentia College now offers animal course, diploma, and workshop to help you solving animal behaviour problems and make easy effective equine treatment. Asentia College of Animal Healing has added accredited BTEC- Professional Diploma in Animal Healing in the list of various animal courses to make people proficient in acquiring professional knowledge about animal healing. We are amongst the most reliable animal healing centres in West Sussex."

    By : | 01-05-2012 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 524

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    ADI Plumbing Wish Their Customers A Happy 2012

    As we wind ourselves into another new year filled with hopes and dreams for the future the team at ADI Plumbing wanted to express their gratitude to their customers for what has been an excellent 2011 and what looks to be an equally successful 2012.

    By : | 01-04-2012 | Business:Business | Total Views : 524

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    Top Dividend Stocksx Announces a Free MR Power Income Investor Pack Offer Worth Over $400

    TopDividendStocksx, the dividend experts in the industry, are announcing a FREE give away called the MR Power Income Pack. It is filled with dividend stock picking secrets revealed only to professionals before. These tips are good enough to help a retired person change their retirement forever. The free Special Reports and their top dividend stock picks for 2012 are included. The pack has all of the important information regarding dividend stock investing.

    By : | 01-02-2012 | Finance:Finance | Total Views : 524

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    Why You Should Choose Structured Settlement Sale

    There’s a new talk in town, and it states that one can surely make big money on a safe financial scale, it is known as a Structured Settlement sale.

    By : | 12-19-2011 | Finance:Finance | Total Views : 524

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    International brands of best quality from the reliable shop

    Nandilathgmart.com generally known as Gopu Nandilath group showcases an amazing world of rare and most modern home appliances of internationally popular brands all over Kerala. Being in the field for about 27 years their first shop was started in the cultural capital of Kerala.

    By : | 12-07-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 524

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    ServiceMaster by Best Corporation Selected For "16 Women & Minority-Owned Businesses

    ServiceMaster by Best Corporation of Wichita, KS has been honored with recognition by Wichita Business Journal in its selection of "16 Women & Minority-Owned Businesses.

    By : | 11-24-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 524

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    Doorstep payday loans: now get your payday whenever you require.

    Doorstep payday loans solve your monetary problems in all your cashless days in the mid month or at the end of the month. It helps you to maintain a proper balance between the two consecutive paydays. It is short term financing.

    By : | 11-18-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 524

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    Dental-assistant-training-class.com: one stop guide on becoming a dental assistant

    This informational blog is one of the most trusted sources of procuring facts about becoming a dental assistant

    By : | 11-13-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 524

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    SEOpackages.net outs best discount on SEO packages for this Christmas

    Get high inflow of traffic to your website this Christmas with discounted prices by availing SEO services from India. Experts make sure to tap the maximum online market so that website can gain huge sale.

    By : | 11-09-2011 | Business:Online Marketing or SEO | Total Views : 524

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    18 month payday loans-liked by all

    There are thousands of people who at some point of time require help in any form by which they can get rid of difficult situation. Hence at time of financial crisis people take help of lenders who provide them 18 month payday loans by which they can solve all their finance related problems.

    By : | 11-07-2011 | Finance:Finance | Total Views : 524