Popular Press Releases

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    Buy an R4 karte today and open up your DS like never before

    The R4 karte is something of a revolution where the Nintendo DS is concerned. The R4 card looks like a regular Nintendo DS cartridge and contains a slot where a micro SD card can be inserted. This micro SD card can store movies, games and eBooks that have been downloaded from the Internet.

    By : | 04-18-2011 | Computer:Computer | Total Views : 452

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    Zevrix Releases Deliver 2.3.2, Improves Transfer to HTTP Destinations

    Zevrix Solutions announces Deliver 2.3.2, a maintenance update to its file delivery solution for remote and local destinations. Deliver supports FTP, Amazon S3, MobileMe, WebDAV and other services, and offers automatic e-mail notifications, delivery to multiple destinations, file encryption and other powerful capabilities. The software also lets users send output files and collected jobs directly from Adobe InDesign. The new update improves transfer to HTTP-based destinations.

    By : | 04-09-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 452

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    Plants for your fish tank

    Give an idea about the importance of Plants in the fish tank and discuss about some varieties of Plants

    By : | 04-05-2011 | Home and Family:Home and Family | Total Views : 452

  • 452

    Divothole.com finds tee time discounts on the golf course you wish to play

    Are you spending too much effort trying to find great deals on golf tee times.

    By : | 03-14-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 452

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    AuraPortal Improves INS's Proceedings Support in Costa Rica

    This project involves the workflow of thousands of civil servants, more than a million clients, and millions of documents managed by complex and highly automated BPM processes

    By : | 03-12-2011 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 452

  • 452

    India Holidays Find Multiple Takers with indiatouritinerary.com

    The charm of India and its tourism is the variety that it has been able to offer. There is something for people of all ages and sections in India.

    By : | 03-07-2011 | Travel:Travel | Total Views : 452

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    Robbi Campbell Properties Makes Brings Innovation to Carmel Valley with New IDX Technology

    Robbi Campbell Properties, Carmel Valley’s top real estate specialists added something special to their state-of-the-art, easy-to-use website last week.

    By : | 02-15-2011 | Business:Real Estate | Total Views : 452

  • 452

    Sapient Automation Announces Ed Romaine as Chief Marketing Officer(CMO)

    A leading material handling company, Sapient Automation, has announced Ed Romaine as their new CMO to help inform and educate the market place about simple automation for high density storage and retrieval applications in manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, wholesaling, retailing and institutions for technologies including the Viper Vertical Lift Module (VLM), Avenger Vertical Carousel, Hornet Horizontal Carousel and Shark Inventory Management Software.

    By : | 02-09-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 452

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    Asiabizservices Provides Singapore Nominee Director Services

    In some circumstances, where the absence of a resident director becomes a hindrance, Asiabiz Services provides the nominee director service to satisfy such requirement.

    By : | 01-22-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 452

  • 452

    24x7 Ecommerce Solutions at Shopstorenow with Software Development

    Ideas mature and are implemented for good with effective ecommerce solution at user’s perusal only at Shopstorenow.com that brings with it core modules with Software development and Technological expertise.

    By : | 01-15-2011 | Business:e-Commerce | Total Views : 452