Popular Press Releases

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    Refund Management Services – what you should know about it

    The Internal Revenue Service or IRS imposes taxes on casino winnings. This is not just for US residents but for gamblers coming from other countries as well. If you are a Canadian, chances are you have also been levied the gambling tax. What are your options to recover the tax you have paid then? You can use Refund Management Services that will help you better access IRS tax forms.

    By : | 03-19-2011 | Finance:Finance | Total Views : 425

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    John Austin Interviews Author Peter Clark

    Patriot Media, Inc. author Lt. Colonel Peter Clark, U.S. Army, will be featured on the radio program The Book Club with host John Austin to discuss his recently published book, Staff Monkeys, A Stockbroker’s Journey Through the Global War on Terror.

    By : | 02-03-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 425

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    ClickNLearn.com – Revolutionary Corel Instructor Teaches Masses Through His Corel Draw Tutorials Onl

    With so many courses charging thousands of dollars to enable people to effectively learn and utilize Corel applications, the website ClickNLearn.com shows people extraordinary results at a fraction of the cost with their easy to follow Corel Draw tutorials.

    By : | 12-23-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 425

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    Pre Approved Car Loans Unleashing Your Spending Power

    Pre approved car loans are suggested for those individuals who wish to have the best auto purchasing authority – Carmoneyfast.com

    By : | 12-10-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 425

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    3DS can not handle the Unreal engine.

    A great part to the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way.

    By : | 10-11-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 425

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    Fairfax Immigration Law Firm Releases K1 Visa Requirements For 2020

    Johnson & Masumi, a Fairfax immigration law firm, recently released a guide detailing the K1 visa requirements for 2020.

    By : Johnson & Masumi, P.C.| 08-16-2020 | Legal Or Law:Legal Or Law | Total Views : 424

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    Private Lenders A Strong Choice For Many Looking For A Simple Loan

    When it comes to the financial world, a lot has changed for many people across the United States in the past few years alone. Gone are the assurances that people used to feel they had from banks when they needed a loan. These days, times are a lot more regulated and people are feeling the squeeze.

    By : | 02-11-2012 | Finance:Finance | Total Views : 424

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    How to Treat the First Signs of Aging

    Turning the big 3-0 isn't as exciting a milestone as your first kiss, or, say, marrying a prince. To make matters worse, even princesses can expect to see the first signs of aging right around the time they hit 30.

    By : | 02-06-2012 | Business:Business | Total Views : 424

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    Use Auto Trader Prom Codes & Save Money on Purchasing

    Auto Trader is one of the most popular websites where one can easily sell and purchase used and certified cars and the main mission of the website is to be your ultimate online solution for buying and selling new, used and certified cars.

    By : | 11-30-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 424

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    At dealsbell.com: Playing made easy with kaskey kids coupon code

    Give your children action figures which are affordable with kaskey kids coupon code and let their imagination run wild while playing. After all, ‘all work and no play makes jack a dull boy’.

    By : | 11-18-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 424