Popular Press Releases

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    Sports Apparel--- The New Fashion Statement?

    Sportswear was never so famous as today. They are now readily worn by the today’s youth. Sports craze has always been there but now they have even immensely penetrated into what we wear. They are undoubtedly turned into a fashion phenomenon. Sports apparels are unique in its particular way. Marketers are now taking advantage of it. You can find several types, brands and their replicas in the market. As the sports craze has heightened, sports enthusiasts particularly purchasing to cheer and supp

    By : | 06-04-2010 | Lifestyle:Fashion | Total Views : 818

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    Excellent personalized gift ideas

    With the advent of better and cheaper printing technologies, personalized gifts have become more affordable and versatile than ever before.There are literally hundreds of different options available to you, ensuring you will be able to pick something catered specifically for the special person.

    By : | 05-27-2010 | Home and Family:Wedding Or Bridal | Total Views : 818

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    Frontline Source Group Announces New Nashville Staffing Agency Office

    President and CEO, Bill Kasko, of Frontline Source Group, Inc., has announced the addition of a new office in Nashville Tennessee. The premier Texas temporary staffing and direct-hire placement agency announced the beginning of a major expansion plan to open locations nationwide with the first office in Nashville.

    By : | 05-25-2010 | Business:Advertising Or Marketing | Total Views : 818

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    When Weighing and Counting Accuracy are Paramount Depend on an Analytical Balance

    Precision weights and counts are critical across a broad range of businesses. Examples include research labs where processes are developed to manufacture pharmaceuticals and food products. Laboratory technicians rely on an analytical balance to develop processes and procedures that later move to commercial production.

    By : | 05-11-2010 | Medical:Medical | Total Views : 818

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    India and China are Eyeing Neighboring Nations to Expand their Hydropower Resources

    Indian and China are witnessing high GDP growth and correspondingly their energy appetite has also been growing at a fast pace

    By : | 05-11-2010 | Industry:Industry | Total Views : 818

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    United Kingdom Property Bank (UKPB) On First Page for Buy My House and Sell Property Fast

    UKPB the real estate leader in the United Kingdom has conquered the virtual world as well by ranking on the first page for the most competitive keywords “buy my house” and “sell property fast”. Jim Akin, Director to the company is all excited and said he was waiting to see his company rank on the first page since long and is happy with these rankings.

    By : | 04-29-2010 | Business:Real Estate | Total Views : 818

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    Steering Rack and Pinion Systems get Turned up a Notch

    New modern technologies are applied to the most common type of steering on cars for a fresh and safe feel.

    By : | 04-20-2010 | Architecture:Architecture | Total Views : 818

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    DivvyWork.com, A New Way Of Thinking About Online Marketing

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) activities are not rocket science. So why do your online marketing expenses look like a NASA line item?

    By : | 03-09-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 818

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    BABYGOSHOP RELOCATES TO STAMFORD Online retailer sees improvements all round

    BabyGoShop.co.uk, the online retailer of baby travel products, has relocated from Grantham to Stamford. Business is already improving as a result.

    By : | 03-03-2010 | Lifestyle:Lifestyle | Total Views : 818

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    Special offer on HR and Payroll Services by Human Resources Inc

    Human Resources Inc (HRI), A Human Resource Management Company in Florida and Georgia has launched a $100 off on first month HR services or payroll services.

    By : | 02-22-2010 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 818