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Press Releases from Australia

Subscribe to Australia Press Releases

Following are the list of Press releases from Australia. Click on the title of the Press Release to view more details, share, print or to comment on the press release.
  • 695

    Unveil the difference: How your domain name will draw profit for your product?

    ICANN (Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers) is always looking to make the internet simpler making more usable names available. Since, domain names are like personalized license plates, where the creative ones exceed in getting you noticed.

    By : | 12-31-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 695

  • 645

    Ziimeo Launches World Clock

    Check out the Ziimeo World Clock as soon as you can. Go to Ziimeo’s homepage and click the yellow tab among the right-hand options marked “Ziimeo World Clock.”

    By : | 12-29-2011 | Travel:Travel | Total Views : 645

  • 582

    Custom T-shirts Firm Custom Your Shirt Offers a Facebook Page to Customers and prosp

    Press release by custom t-shirt printing firm Custom Your Shirt announcing a tee shirts printing Facebook page

    By : | 12-29-2011 | Lifestyle:Fashion | Total Views : 582

  • 646

    Ziimeo Online Games for Travel Junkies

    Attention travel junkies! We bring you Ziimeo Games to make your online surfing and media uploading more enjoyable and thrilling. Unlike other video sharing websites that focus only on (you guessed that right!) video uploading, Ziimeo has a vast array of entertainment available for its community members to further enrich their uploading experience.

    By : | 12-28-2011 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 646

  • 606

    Ziimeo Beats YouTube with Unique Features

    Ziimeo is an exclusive travel video sharing site made exactly for travel geeks from every corner of the world.

    By : | 12-28-2011 | Technology:Internet | Total Views : 606

  • 926

    YouTube Floored by Ziimeo?

    Ziimeo is an interactive travel video sharing website, just like YouTube. But unlike its giant ancestor, Ziimeo places more importance on freedom and interaction. If YouTube users are limited to uploading videos only, Ziimeo zooms past by letting its members upload not only videos, but also images, music, and games.

    By : | 12-27-2011 | Blogging And Social Media:Blogging And Social Media | Total Views : 926

  • 580

    Enriching Holiday Experiences with Ziimeo

    The holiday season is on full throttle and the next few weeks will surely be filled with rare get-together events. These moments deserve to be preserved through video and photos and shared to the people who matter most to you. And what better way to do this than to broadcast your fun-filled vacay through a top-notch media-sharing website like Ziimeo!

    By : | 12-26-2011 | Travel:Travel | Total Views : 580

  • 566

    Emmetts Used Farm Machinery Announce New $20 Gift Voucher Scheme

    Wanting to help their customers towards the cost of their new and used farm machinery purchases, Emmetts Onlinehave launched a unique new voucher scheme.

    By : | 12-24-2011 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 566

  • 876

    Designer Wedding Dresses Crafted To Meet Your Expectation Of Perfection

    Buy your wedding dress at Designer fabric is offered for bridal gowns along with mother of the bride dresses. Besides this cocktail dresses are also designed by expert dressmakers. Benefit from the dressmaking services of this elegant fabric store and get the best dressmakers work for your special occasion.

    By : | 12-23-2011 | Home and Family:Wedding Or Bridal | Total Views : 876

  • 583

    The Oriental Rug Cleaning Company Make-Over Homes By Styling With ‘As-New’ Rugs

    “You won’t believe it is the same house” they say.

    By : | 12-22-2011 | Home and Family:Home and Family | Total Views : 583