Press Releases for -3

  • 814

    Tuff Bear Recommends the Dietary Inclusion of Omega-3 Supplements

    Omega-3 offers a host of benefits for patients of all ages. With clear advantages in mental and cardiac health, Omega-3 is increasingly becoming a part of everyday diet for families across America.

    By : Tuff Bear, LLC| 08-18-2015 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 814

  • 627

    Future Electronics Promotes Harvatek’s UV LEDs Series

    Future Electronics has announced immediate availability of the UV LEDs Series from Harvatek.

    By : | 10-16-2014 | Technology:Electronics | Total Views : 627

  • 764

    My NuWeight Loss Program Aids Obese Get the Desired Shape in 30 days

    Take the My NuWeight Loss Program to shed unwanted fats and feel great with ease. No ranch and no leaving family, the program gives life changing results just in 30 days.

    By : | 08-22-2013 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 764

  • 776

    Safe-N-Sure Weight Loss Program Offered By Lose20-30lbsin30days

    Obese can now shed their unwanted body fat effortlessly with the affordable and safe My NuWeight Program offered by Lose20-30lbsin30days. The program is supported by advanced nutrition supplements and fat burning drops.

    By : | 08-11-2013 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 776

  • 838

    Future Electronics Offers - New Insight on Embedding Computer Vision in Electronic Devices

    The article discusses new design possibilities given today’s available technology including CV220x devices, and provides a comprehensive overview of main image-processing functions, covering topics such as pre-processing

    By : | 03-21-2013 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 838

  • 1601

    ezW2, Robust and Simple Tax Forms 1099 and W2 Printing Solution

    Preparing and Printing Forms 1099 and W2 is quick and painless with new ezW2 2010 – the robust tax reporting software from designed with all the features a small business needs and simple enough for anyone to use.

    By : | 05-19-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 1601

  • 760

    European Algae Oil Omega-3 Access Increases with Source-Omega’s Products and Services

    Source-Omega's Pure One™ brand moves towards private label offering and licensing in a growing market with green economic outlook. Estimated at $400M, the total European omega-3 market is now doubling every 10 years.

    By : | 08-18-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 760

  • 1126

    Source-Omega's Pure One Untouched by Seawater Pollution, Not Now, Not Ever

    For years, the lack of fish odor or reflux taste has led many people to microalgae oil instead of fish oil as a source for omega-3s. Another feature of microalgae oil is now more important than ever — it is not touched by any ocean, now or ever.

    By : | 08-09-2010 | Medical:Medical | Total Views : 1126

  • 1020

    Pure One™ Omega-3 Registered with the Vegan Society

    Pure One™ DHA supplement manufacturer today announced a license from the Vegan Society for trademark use in the United States, Canada, the European Union, and Australia. The Vegan logo adds to Pure One’s quality offering for vegetarian consumers and vegan retailers, in addition to the benefits of being sourced and Made in the USA and recognized good for pregnant-nursing mothers and infants.

    By : | 05-19-2010 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 1020

  • 934

    Pure One™ DHA Maker Brings a Heart to Algae Oil, Calls on India’s Distributors to Learn More

    The export of algae oil omega-3s is a contribution that the United States of America can make to the world. “It is not the algae oil for fuel ideas being spun around, it is the 100's of millions of dollars annual world market for algae oil foods and nutraceuticals, something distributors in India should know more about,” says Dr. Scott Doughman, founder of Source-Omega in the US.

    By : | 04-17-2010 | Medical:Medical | Total Views : 934