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Press Releases on Government

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Following are the Press Releases published under Government. You can choose the subcategories below to view the press releases published under the respective sub-category.
  • 1476

    Win Some Fantastic Bingo Bonuses by Playing Online Bingo

    Online Bingo is a popular game among many people. One of the main reasons is that people get to win some good amounts of cas,h and also get a really good Bingo Bonus. is one such site that allows users to play this way and win some of the best Bingo Bonuses.

    By : | 05-20-2010 | Government:Government | Total Views : 1476

  • 1704

    Great information About Morning Sickness in Women

    Morning sickness is common in pregnant women. While many only have it in the first 3 months of pregnancy, some are known to have it during full period of pregnancy. provides comprehensive information about the causes and remedies for morning sickness.

    By : | 03-10-2010 | Government:Government | Total Views : 1704

  • 1519

    Cheats, Hacks, Tips, Tricks and Secrets of Farmville Game

    Farmville is one of the most played games on the internet. To do well in the one game one must be aware of tips & tricks unknown to many. is a site dedicated to educating people about how to do well in this game.

    By : | 02-06-2010 | Government:Government | Total Views : 1519

  • 1462

    Bail Bonds and Attorneys: Working Together

    When it comes to posting bail, the name that you can often hear in relation to this is the bail bondsman. It is very seldom that you will hear the word attorney being mentioned. However, when you look at it, bail bonds and attorneys really go hand in hand. This is because these bail agents are also lawyers in profession. They even act as defense lawyers of incarcerated prisoners, once they arrange for the posting of these individual’s bail bonds.

    By : | 02-03-2010 | Government:Government | Total Views : 1462

  • 1392

    Seminole County, Florida Chief Judge Alan A. Dickey Abusing His Power Behind the Bench

    Judge Alan Dickey, acting outside the oath he swore, hands down a non-jury trial six month sentence to 55 year old local man who misses one court hearing because of Doctor Appointment.

    By : | 10-22-2011 | Government:Government | Total Views : 1392

  • 1473

    Dr. Homoud resigns from IIMSAM in Protest of Prisoner becoming Goodwill Ambassador

    The Goodwill Ambassador and Director of Middle East office for the Intergovernmental Institution for the use of Micro-algae Spirulina against Malnutrition (IIMSAM) Dr. Naseer Homoud has resigned from the organization in protest of appointment of a convicted person as IIMSAM Goodwill Ambassador.

    By : | 07-11-2011 | Government:Government | Total Views : 1473

  • 1398

    Letter sent to UN Secretary General Protesting Khaled Shahen Appointment as IIMSAM GWA

    Dr. Naseer Homoud who resigned yesterday from the (IIMSAM in protest of Khaled Shahen appointment as IIMSAM GWA has sent a complaint letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations urging his urgent attention to the matter.

    By : | 07-11-2011 | Government:Government | Total Views : 1398

  • 1228

    International Defence Logistics for the Logistics of Armed Forces

    Our armed forces are ready to go to any length when it comes to protecting the nation and its people from all kinds of aggression. They are capable of going anywhere to offer what their country needs from them. However, their life is not a bed of roses. They have to survive in the worst conditions of battlefield.

    By : | 05-21-2011 | Government:Government | Total Views : 1228

  • 1306

    Benefits of Deploying International Defence Logistics

    Deploying international Defence logistics and solutions has become a common practice these days. Many leading solutions providers are focusing on offering excellent services to Defence troops and officials. International Defence Logistics Conference is also organized annually in order to ensure logisticians across the services, agencies and in the private sector are fully aware of the most efficient solutions and advanced tools provided to military personnel.

    By : | 05-21-2011 | Government:Government | Total Views : 1306

  • 1336

    GSA Access Group Congratulates Stockell Healthcare Systems, Inc. on GSA Contract GS-35F-0195X

    GSA Access Group partners with Stockell Healthcare Systems to achieve “Approved Vendor” status with the General Services Administration (GSA) under Schedule #70, General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment, Software, and Services.

    By : | 03-19-2011 | Government:Government | Total Views : 1336