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Press Releases on computer

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Following are the Press Releases published under computer. You can choose the subcategories below to view the press releases published under the respective sub-category.
Computer Databases Games and Entertainment Operating Systems
Programming Security Software
  • 725

    Getting Started With Aion Accounts

    Aion: The Tower of Eternity, also known as The Tower o Aion is Japan is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (wow account) which is developed and maintained by a Korean game developer NC Soft.

    By : | 05-28-2011 | Computer:Games and Entertainment | Total Views : 725

  • 684

    HiddenBrains offer Android Games Development with Talent, Experience and Creativity

    Android is popular for its different useful features, moreover nowadays users like thrills and fun of Android games..

    By : | 05-28-2011 | Computer:Programming | Total Views : 684

  • 769

    Real Time Data Services Provides QuickBooks Add-ons Hosting Service

    Its hosting service for many different types of QuickBooks add-ons is a boon for QuickBooks users. Some of the popular QuickBooks Add-ons’ hosting services provisioned by Real Time Data Services include Fishbowl Inventory, BillQuick, My Business Manager, Acctivate!, Legrand CRM, Giftworks, DepositNow!, Adagio Fx, CNG-Books and CNG-SAFE, SourceLink, AdvancePro, HindSite, Ebridge, BigTime, and AO: Rapid Inventory.

    By : | 05-28-2011 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 769

  • 575

    Online Video Directories Are the Optimum Means of Promotion

    Nowadays, publicity and advertising experts think that promotion is responsible for half of the sales of products and services such as films, music albums, clothing items or even professional make-up. This is why the celebrities choose or in some cases are made to do promotion all around the globe for their movies, videos, records, clothes ranges or make-up collections.

    By : | 05-27-2011 | Computer:Computer | Total Views : 575

  • 760

    Tri-Force Sees India Emerging as PHP Development Hotspot

    In recent times PHP has emerged as the language for web development, and most companies opting for PHP development. Tri-Force says that India saw the potential of the language early and has a talented pool of PHP developers.

    By : | 05-27-2011 | Computer:Programming | Total Views : 760

  • 667

    Know about New Jersey web developers

    If you want website creation and designing solutions there cannot be anything better than the web designing agencies as they know what you want and would implement them.

    By : | 05-27-2011 | Computer:Programming | Total Views : 667

  • 743

    Internet Marketing Specialist for a Website

    Elite InfoWorld is a Web Design Company which was started in 2008 which provides services of Internet Marketing and Web Development too along with Web and Graphic Designing at a very affordable price.

    By : | 05-27-2011 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 743

  • 482

    Use Zip Repair Software And Restore Data From Zip Archives

    Zip Repair software is primarily meant to help users like you to overcome zip file corruption easily. The recovery utility intensively scans the corrupt zip file and executes the file recovery action.

    By : | 05-27-2011 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 482

  • 710

    Mindfire Solutions acclaimed by Zinnov in its “Global Service Provider Rankings 2011”

    Mindfire Solutions was acclaimed by Zinnov Management Consulting Pvt. Ltd, for its outstanding growth. The 2011 Global R&D Service Provider (GSPR) ratings declared by Zinnov saw a place for Mindfire in the Software/ISV category. Mindfire fetched a place in the Breakout Zone with some other well known companies of the world.

    By : | 05-27-2011 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 710

  • 615

    CSS Web Development Services for Attractive Online Presentation

    The professional CSS web development is very popular nowadays, CSS (cascade style sheet) is the language principally designed to insert style sheets in the document presentation..

    By : | 05-26-2011 | Computer:Programming | Total Views : 615