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Press Releases - Dec 2009

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  • 798

    Dr. Annette Childs, to appear on Healing the Grieving Heart National Radio Show

    Dr. Annette Childs to be interviewed by “Healing the Grieving Heart” Hosts, Dr. Gloria Horsley and Dr. Heidi Horsley to discuss Searching for Peace and Meaning After Loss, on Dec. 10th 2009, sponsored by The Open to Hope Foundation To listen to this show, go to and click on the e-card.

    By : | 12-14-2009 | Society:Society | Total Views : 798

  • 988 appreciates the efforts to make drinking water clean and potable

    Proctor and Gamble, a U.S. company that has a presence in almost every American home, manufactures a diverse set of products ranging from toothpaste and shampoo to disposable wipes and prescription drugs.

    By : | 12-14-2009 | Business:Business | Total Views : 988

  • 873

    Desperate seek for abstract life

    Natural philosophy, a division of metaphysics, has gained the status of science, as it provides pragmatic explanations, which are related to the laws in physics and also bring experimental facts, regarding the nature.

    By : | 12-14-2009 | Business:Business | Total Views : 873

  • 1008

    Findire Properties – Houses flats rent-House Flat- Flats houses & Property Marketing Portal

    When looking for a property , whether it is a house flat, home, condo, or apartment, make sure to do your research to find the ideal property, at the ideal price, and move into your new home without a hassle.

    By : | 12-14-2009 | Business:Real Estate | Total Views : 1008

  • 1311

    Los Angeles Dental Procedures Are Now Revelaed

    Los Angeles dentists are know for the extensive work they have been doing to repair smiles, especially a Beverly hills cosmetic dentist, who spends most of his or her time around celebrities and overall persons who would not want to walking around with an imperfect smile.

    By : | 12-14-2009 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 1311

  • 721

    Log cabins improves your living style

    It is a different experience to use the cabins made of logs. It has many advantages while using the log cabins as it is very easy to build log cabins, easy to move places. It helps to keep up the environment clean and creates an attractive look.

    By : | 12-14-2009 | Business:Business | Total Views : 721

  • 778

    Dental Implants Market: Increasing Clinical Familiarity to Drive Growth

    The future of dental implants is heading towards hybrid implants.

    By : | 12-13-2009 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 778

  • 1014

    Cut Costs and improve efficiency with a virtual office front

    The recession has hit many businesses hard. Now more than ever companies need support and cost effective ways of managing their business. officefront are taking the initiative to help businesses cut costs and improve the way they work.

    By : | 12-13-2009 | Business:Business | Total Views : 1014

  • 1137

    Consider windshield repair first before changing the windshield.

    As part of a car’s exterior, great lengths are taken by a car owner in taking good care of the windshield. However, there are unforeseen instances wherein it is damaged like getting hit by a rock or by any hard falling debris.

    By : | 12-12-2009 | Automotive:Automotive | Total Views : 1137

  • 1506

    Rock chip repair the windshield before damage spreads.

    Car owners and drivers most probably have encountered the rock chip on the windshield. And normally this pesky condition of the windshield is ignored and left unattended to the extent that it becomes a huge crack that compels the damaged windshield to be replaced by a new one.

    By : | 12-12-2009 | Automotive:Automotive | Total Views : 1506