Popular Press Releases

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    Out-Perform the Competition and Stand Out from the Crowd

    Expectations are what we think will happen. Reality is what actually happens. There's a big discrepancy between the two because we usually expect too MUCH or too LITTLE. Either one causes big-time problems. And that's why we must be reasonable, fair, and balanced when setting expectations, says author Connie Podesta in "10 Ways to Stand Out from the Crowd".

    By : | 06-16-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 534

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    A Monthly Trip To A Beauty Salon Can Make You Less Stressed At Work

    There are plenty of reasons for visiting a beauty salon regularly. People who are concerned about their overall look, health, fitness and personality may like to enjoy the advantages of visiting a salon.

    By : | 06-13-2011 | Lifestyle:Beauty | Total Views : 534

  • 534

    GAO Research Provides V.44 Data Compression Software

    This V.44 data compression software consists of both an encoder and decoder. It is ideal for packet switched networks such as the Internet.

    By : | 05-30-2011 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 534

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    The Dog Choke Collar is Out and The Choke-Free Walkeez is In!

    The Walkeez Choke-Free Fleece-Lined Dog Harness, is a fresh innovative design that uses Tellington Touch to remove unpleasant pressure on the neck thus relaxing a dog and boosting its sociability.

    By : | 05-21-2011 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 534

  • 534

    Synefra bags EPC contract for super specialty hospital project

    Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Medical Sciences & Hospital, Dharwad

    By : | 05-17-2011 | Industry:Industry | Total Views : 534

  • 534

    Seeking Magnolia Homes For Sale

    Developing a household as well as making yet another one effortlessly fashion as well as passion on the owner are generally a couple of different factors.

    By : | 05-16-2011 | Business:Real Estate | Total Views : 534

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    Stay in Winchester hotels through 4hotels.co.uk to enjoy the beauty of the longest cathedral

    Winchester is a historic cathedral city and has the longest cathedral in Europe. There are several historic buildings in this city that portrays the beautiful architecture of the historic periods.

    By : | 05-13-2011 | Travel:Travel | Total Views : 534

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    The Secret To Painting With Oil Paints

    Painting with oils is one of the best mediums to use as a beginner painter. Oils tend to dry at just the right rate. They also offer impeccable coverage. This means that one swipe with the brush is sufficient to portray the desired results.

    By : | 05-09-2011 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 534

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    Saudi Arabia’s Construction Industry Is Set To Grow

    Saudi Arabia’s residential building construction is set to grow at a CAGR of 7.2% during 2011-2015

    By : | 05-03-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 534

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    Ludus Tours Named The Official Tour Operator of USA Canoe/Kayak

    Canoe/Kayak Fan Packages Soon Available for the 2012 Summer Games in London.

    By : | 04-28-2011 | Travel:Travel | Total Views : 534