Popular Press Releases

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    HCL Chairman Shiv Nadar to set up university in Grtr Noida

    The Shiv Nadar Foundation has announced its plan to establish a university in Greater Noida to offer undergraduate, postgraduate and professional degrees across a number of disciplines, including management education. “The University is located on a 286 acre campus in Greater Noida and Phase-I of the campus development plan would accommodate 4,000 students. When fully completed, the campus will accommodate 8,000 students,” said Mr. TSR Subramanian, Trustee, Shiv Nadar Foundation, at a Press Meet

    By : | 04-26-2011 | Education:College Or University | Total Views : 534

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    Da Bruno Marbella Restaurants Group Supports Third Congress On Climate Change And Wine In Marbella

    Kofi Annan lectured on Environment and Sustainable Development at the Third Congress on Climate Change and Wine in Marbella, 13th and 14th April 2011, which was supported proudly by the Da Bruno Marbella Restaurants Group.

    By : | 04-22-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 534

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    Cheapest mobile phone contracts: Offers You Full Satisfaction

    Cheapest mobile phone contracts can be availed by any person that is any class people. A very popular deal called as contract mobile deal, combines a suitable mobile at an affordable cost. The internet is a wonderful place to gain more knowledge on such deals as well.

    By : | 04-19-2011 | Technology:Telecommunications | Total Views : 534

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    Taking MAT May 2011? Know the top B-schools you should aim for

    Management Aptitude Test (MAT), conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA), is a popular choice of MBA aspirants. MAT is conducted four times in a year, in the months of February, May, September and December. Recently, AIMA had announced the start of the registrations for MAT May 2011 exam. The MBA entrance exam will take place on May 1, 2011 in paper pencil format and May 7, 2011 onwards in computer based format. The registration process for the exam is going on at present. MBA aspir

    By : | 04-12-2011 | Education:College Or University | Total Views : 534

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    Cheap web hosting is also provide hosting service and get the utmost benefit at minimum price.

    It is abundant as well, cheap hosting.

    By : | 04-12-2011 | Art and Entertainment:Movies | Total Views : 534

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    Foreign Dependence on Oil and Gas Continues to Rise at Alarming Rate; Tax Incentives Enacted

    The demand for oil and gas continues to increase at a rate that has caused considerable alarm throughout the world. Analysts predict that by 2012 oil prices will reach an all-time high and with civil unrest spreading through Middle East, encouraging an increase in domestic production.

    By : | 04-08-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 534

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    Fantastic educational support offered to underprivileged children by NGO in India.

    Quality education is offered to underprivileged children by an NGO in India. It plans to promote night schools, sponsoring and inspiring children to attend school.

    By : | 03-10-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 534

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    Matrix Comsec Conferred with EFY Readers’ Choice Award 2010 for Best PBX-KTS Company, for Sixth time

    For the sixth time in a row, Matrix Comsec was declared winner of the Electronics For You (EFY) Readers’ Choice Award for 2010 in the category of PBX and Key Phone Systems. The other nominees for the award were Siemens, Panasonic, BPL and Accord.

    By : | 02-21-2011 | Technology:Telecommunications | Total Views : 534

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    MKL Air-conditioning & Heating Offers wide Range of Air Conditioning and Heating Products

    MKL Air conditioning & Heating provide all kinds of commercial and domestic air conditioning and heating products and services all over Australia.

    By : | 02-17-2011 | Home and Family:Home and Family | Total Views : 534

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    SEO Canada - Keywords are your ticket to more traffic and top 10 on Google

    While no company can assure you a number one position on Google, SEO Company Canada will guarantee your websites great results. With better quality traffic and high ranking your website will stand a better chance in achieving its marketing plans. By making attainable goals and realistic solutions, you will reach your online marketing budget.

    By : | 02-01-2011 | Technology:Internet | Total Views : 534