Press Releases on Education

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  • 993; "Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus" Author John Gray to Speak at Event

    John Grey, PhD, the famous author of the best selling relationship book Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus and a series of related self help books on marriage and romantic relationships will speak at the global seminar known as the Dream U. camp, given by the Dream University.

    By : | 06-16-2010 | Education:Education | Total Views : 993

  • 1583

    Syed Bukhari Commitment to the Education of our Poorest Children

    Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) or the “Centre of Education and Consciousness” Public Trust was established in 2002, as a lot underprivileged children in Pakistan do not have access to basic education.

    By : | 06-16-2010 | Education:Education | Total Views : 1583

  • 802

    Get MCITP and MCTS with Help Of Buyitcert.Com is one of the few IT Exam Substituting Companies worldwide. They have many test centers around the world. They offer courses like MCITP and MCTS.

    By : | 06-14-2010 | Education:Education | Total Views : 802

  • 745

    More Financial Aid for College with Appeals

    The financial aid for college process now includes a long-overlooked step: the award appeal. With encouragement by government officials and financial aid administrators, this step has resulted in students getting increased federal, state and institutional aid.

    By : | 06-10-2010 | Education:Education | Total Views : 745

  • 748

    Evaluating student online learning

    A student who does stick with it may have to work harder than students on campus to interact with the instructor and with classmates

    By : | 06-09-2010 | Education:Education | Total Views : 748

  • 552

    Kiboomu Launches "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" Pre-K Storybook Piano App

    Developed by a preschool teacher and platinum award-winning children's singer/songwriter, The Preschool Storybook Piano App is a singing piano storybook that educates and entertains young children.

    By : | 06-09-2010 | Education:Education | Total Views : 552

  • 834

    Credit for Life Experience

    If you look closely at your own life experience there is a good chance that you have already batted home some of your college requirements. But each college and university independently designs and proctors its life credit program

    By : | 06-05-2010 | Education:Education | Total Views : 834

  • 813

    Fulfill Your Long Cherished Dream to Study Abroad with a Renowned Education Portal

    Study Abroad Universities is an informative website that provides step-by-step guidelines on how to study in 28 different countries like the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Germany, South Africa, Malaysia and many more.

    By : | 06-04-2010 | Education:Education | Total Views : 813

  • 782

    Save Time with Online CPR Training

    Having knowledge of or learning CPR is not meant for paramedics alone or others in the medical profession. In fact, the more the number of people who can take CPR certification courses the better so that they can resuscitate a victim who has just had a heart attack or stopped breathing. But then it all depends on how good the CPR training is.

    By : | 05-27-2010 | Education:Education | Total Views : 782

  • 671

    Driving Instructors Wanted Throughout Gloucestershire and South Monmouthshire

    If you are a good driver, and you like and get on with people, then you are on the way to becoming a Driving Instructor with JSF Driving School.

    By : | 05-26-2010 | Education:Education | Total Views : 671