Press Releases on Education

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  • 526

    Online Drivers Education at Affordable Cost

    Preparing for a driving test requires an individual to possess knowledge regarding different aspects such as driving laws, safe driving, etc. is one of the online destinations that offer driving course at an affordable rate.

    By : | 09-13-2011 | Education:Education | Total Views : 526

  • 542

    Secrets to Avoiding Failed MBA Personal Statement Essays Revealed

    The MBA admission process is a very competitive filtering process. MBA applicants labor under the misconception that admissions turn solely on grades and test scores. has released a quick but powerful guide to help MBA applicants unleash the power of the MBA personal statement essay.

    By : | 09-13-2011 | Education:Education | Total Views : 542

  • 454

    Effective Medical School Personal Statement Secrets Unveiled

    Competition at the many of the top medical schools in the United States may be getting fiercer due to the global recession. has released a free resource in helping medical school applicants get an edge for a shrinking number of admission slots at top medical schools.

    By : | 09-12-2011 | Education:Education | Total Views : 454

  • 561

    SafeWay Certifications Helps Keep Food Related Illnesses At An All Time Low

    SafeWay Certifications a leading online certifications company provides online courses and certifications educating food handlers in the process.

    By : | 09-12-2011 | Education:Education | Total Views : 561

  • 544

    FirstGraduateJobs to Launch Unique Jobs Board are to launch a new graduate jobs board for graduates and graduate recruiters and employers. Graduate candidates will have the opportunity to display their candidate profile throughout the new graduate jobsite.

    By : | 09-12-2011 | Education:Education | Total Views : 544

  • 589

    Master Business School Admissions Hurdles to Combat the Recession's Effects

    The great recession of 2008 has forced many people into the unemployment lines and has caused a lot of uncertainty for people who did manage to stay employed. Layoffs are always a looming possibility. Many people are going to an MBA school to boost their chances of promotion or their employability chances. It also gives them some time off from the job hunt. has released business school admissions basics for getting an MBA degree. This helps anyone interested in getting an MBA de

    By : | 09-10-2011 | Education:Education | Total Views : 589

  • 494

    Facebook Can Sink Your College Chances Through Shady Personal Statements Examples

    The wrong use of social media tools can get you in trouble for plagiarism and sharing essays for copy and past purposes. has released a free resource to help applicants to college, law school, medical school, graduate school, MBA programs and other institutions of higher learning write their own original essay and avoid the trap of plagiarism.

    By : | 09-09-2011 | Education:Education | Total Views : 494

  • 559

    Child Transportation Safety Course Now Available From SafeWay Certifications

    SafeWay Certifications a leading online certifications provider now provides courses online making it convenient for childcare workers to take the course online.

    By : | 09-09-2011 | Education:Education | Total Views : 559

  • 560

    Appear online for ACLS certification or recertification course

    ACLS can now be appeared for online on the popular ACLS website of ACLS Training Center and receive the ACLS card the same day.

    By : | 09-09-2011 | Education:Education | Total Views : 560

  • 625

    I Drive Safely Creates the Future of Defensive Driving Courses

    I Drive safely reveals the modern way to do traffic school. While a previous generation had to sit through long dull classes, I Drive Safely changes all that by taking fully certified traffic school and defensive driving courses online. The end result is easier and simpler than anything that was possible before.

    By : | 09-08-2011 | Education:Education | Total Views : 625