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  • 553 Demystifies SEO for Newbies

    Search engine optimization is often described in mystified techno babble terms. Many people are intimidated by this form of online marketing. has released clear, easy to follow and concise guide on how novices can optimize their websites for search engines.

    By : | 09-25-2011 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 553

  • 508 Maps Out How Facebook and Twitter have changed the World

    Facebook and Twitter and social networking in general have destroyed the world of old patterns of human communication and have exploded new vistas of opportunity and danger. maps out the impact social networking has on human relationships and communication. It identifies core problems to be mindful of and hints at possible solutions.

    By : | 09-24-2011 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 508

  • 426 Prevents Facebook Bullying and Stalking

    Due to bad etiquette, Facebook could easily become an uncomfortable place for social bullying and stalking.'s guide to Facebook etiquette helps users prevent these common problems on the world's biggest social networking site.

    By : | 09-23-2011 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 426

  • 444

    EDB to PST Conversion simple and easy

    A number of factors result in corruption in the EDB files. In order to resolve corruption in EDB files, you need to take help of a professional and efficient EDB to PST convert tool. With the help of a professional and comprehensive EDB to PST convert tool, it is possible for you to easily and efficiently convert EDB to PST files.

    By : | 09-23-2011 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 444

  • 472

    CIGNEX Datamatics introduces Integrated Business Ecosystem with Liferay Portal

    Architecture aimed at providing stakeholders a window to Enterprise Applications

    By : | 09-22-2011 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 472

  • 488

    Word to PDF converter for more professional looking documents

    Download free evaluation software for converting your MS Word files into PDF files which ensures the highest security and integrity of your data.

    By : | 09-22-2011 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 488

  • 516

    Restore SQL Database Instantly without Facing any Difficulty

    Looking for a solution on how to restore SQL database easily without facing any difficulty? If yes, then all that you need is SQL database recovery software. Using recovery software you can fix SQL server database files easily and instantly.

    By : | 09-22-2011 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 516

  • 526

    Edit the PDF files accurately with Download PDF to Word tool

    Get the free evaluation software by downloading the software online to ensure that you never become incapable of editing PDF files.

    By : | 09-22-2011 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 526

  • 620

    Doremisoft Video Converter Mac Released To Play AVCHD Clips From JVC Everio GZ HM650 On Mac

    Easily transfer, play or put AVCHD videos from JVC Everio GZ HM650 camcorder on Mac, after converting AVCHD videos to MP4, H.264, etc Mac-friendly file formats.

    By : | 09-22-2011 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 620

  • 431

    Magento Kurzüberblick

    Magento ist ein Online Shop System, dessen Community Version kostenlos zur Verfügung steht. Das System ist Open Source, das heißt, der Quellcode liegt offen, freie Entwickler arbeiten weltweit daran weiter, um das System zu verbessern. Jeder Online-Shop-Betreiber kann mithilfe von kompetenter Unterstützung ein Internet-Geschäft einrichten oder erweitern.

    By : | 09-22-2011 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 431