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Press Releases on Health and Fitness

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Following are the Press Releases published under Health and Fitness. You can choose the subcategories below to view the press releases published under the respective sub-category.
Healthcare Diet Or Weight Loss Health and Fitness
  • 916

    Dazzle White Brings Out the Convenient Dazzle White Pro Free Trial

    Dazzle White Pro is now out and ready for free trial. This is not just another product for whitening you teeth though.

    By : | 12-12-2009 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 916

  • 967

    A Place to know information on colon cleansers

    It is important to cleanse the colon because it can lead to serious health issues colon cleansers you can remove all the unwanted fecal matter stuck inside the digestive system. One could imagine if this could be done but it is true that with the help of colon cleansers it is possible

    By : | 12-12-2009 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 967

  • 992

    Ways to keep your cellulite in control

    Everyone wants a perfect body with perfect shape but many people doesn’t get that very easily as many would suffer from cellulite. Appearance of cellulite can really make people feel uncomfortable while wearing skirt, shorts or bikini. But there are ways to reduce the cellulite with effective methods.

    By : | 12-12-2009 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 992

  • 992

    Getting relieved from Acne problems

    Acne is one of skin problem which many people worry about. It is a commonly found skin problem in many people and it reduces the confidence level in people to a great extent. But now it is good to her that there are solutions to get rid of these acne problems.

    By : | 12-12-2009 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 992

  • 782

    The US Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Market: Positive Clinical Trial Results to Boost Growth

    CRT (also known as biventricular pacing) is used for the prevention and treatment of congestive heart failure caused by dilated cardiomyopathy.

    By : | 12-11-2009 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 782

  • 958

    US Spinal Surgery Devices Market: Increasing Procedures to Drive Growth

    The Non-Fusion Segment in the US Spinal Surgery Market to Grow at a CAGR of Over 9%

    By : | 12-11-2009 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 958

  • 903

    Patent Foramen Ovale Closure Market: Clinical Trial Outcomes to Play a Key Role

    There is an increased frequency of PFO in patients suffering from migraine- a frequency that almost parallels the presence of PFO in stroke.

    By : | 12-10-2009 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 903

  • 899

    Health Insure Direct offers the best health insurance information to consumers to help them make the

    Health Insure Direct is one of the most reliable websites online that offers the best health insurance information. Users will be able to find the cheapest health insurance policies with the best coverage.

    By : | 12-10-2009 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 899

  • 1107

    Breathe Easy with the i-Kat Air Purification System

    Herman Tsui's i-Kat air purifier with air plasma technology kills H1N1 and SARS

    By : | 12-09-2009 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 1107

  • 898


    The Flexaway System, a well-received and highly successful facial exercise system, feels that the time is right to expand beyond the limits of selling on the internet and begin selling the product over the counter for broader availability.

    By : | 12-07-2009 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 898