Latest Press Releases

  • 1462

    Orlando Attorney David Simmons Spits in the Face of Voters from District 22 in Florida

    Attorney David H. Simmons has won the Florida Senate Seat District 22, unopposed, by using connections with Seminole County corrupt Judges to get court orders over his opponents not to run against him.

    By : | 10-03-2010 | Politics:Politics | Total Views : 1462

  • 1142

    Wesley Hutchings Marries Rachael Rodriguez in Fisher Island, FL on 9/18/10?

    Google Rachael Rodriquez come up, now couple that with known drug and cocaine addict Wes Hutchings and what do you get? A multimillion dollar wedding at Fisher Island in Florida.

    By : | 10-03-2010 | Home and Family:Marriage Or Relationships | Total Views : 1142

  • 779

    Get your free long term care brochure with Adviceoncare co uk is giving away free copies of their comprehensive guide to long term care and professional care fees advice.

    By : | 10-03-2010 | Finance:Finance | Total Views : 779

  • 870

    Redefined: iPad/iPhone App Development Technology

    Software Associates have impeccable records in building applications for iPad, Android and iPhone. They possess decades of experience in application development platform.

    By : | 10-03-2010 | Technology:Software | Total Views : 870

  • 789

    Customize a Set of Eco-Friendly Wood Shutters for Your Home

    In addition to being a residence, a home can be a powerful personal expression of its owner. Custom shutters add a charming personal finish to the exterior of a home, and can help you be more energy efficient. One of the leading companies in the business, Estate Millwork uses age-old techniques and modern precision, while keeping an environmentally friendly practice, to craft only the highest quality custom shutters for your home.

    By : | 10-02-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 789

  • 643

    Pamper Your Kids With Handmade and Stylish Crochet Kufi Hats By Kelly Johnson

    Crowning little delicate heads with immaculate colors of the nature bound in yarns turned to crochet kufi hats with removable flower clips is a look unmatched to the innocent faces’ glee whilst wearing them.

    By : | 10-02-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 643

  • 918

    Miko Marks to perform at Global Happiness Summit 2010

    People Magazine names her one of "Nashville's Hottest New Country Stars", while Ebony recognizes her as "The Storyteller", and one who is "Breaking the Sound Barriers" in music! Whatever the case, all can agree that Miko Marks is an artist in sync with the times.

    By : | 10-02-2010 | Society:Society | Total Views : 918

  • 4226 Announce the Launch of the New DermalExpert Website, a leading supplier of beauty products, announce the launch of their new DermalExpert website.

    By : | 10-02-2010 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 4226

  • 975

    Having Hamsters as Pets and the Things You Need to Know

    It doesn’t take much effort to become a successful hamster owner. All you need is some proper guidance and accurate information.

    By : | 10-02-2010 | Business:Franchise | Total Views : 975

  • 1442

    Tuppence Entertainment Magazine’s August writing competition

    Tuppence entertainment magazine’s review of the month writing competition was set up to celebrate the best reviews submitted. The winners not only get the priceless knowledge that their submission was the best out there, but they also scoop the bumper prize pack that’s set aside for the winner

    By : | 10-02-2010 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 1442